e-ISSN 2329-0072




Evaluation of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) occurrence in a group of 34 MS patients

Tomasz J. Lesiak, Łukasz Piskorz, Karol Jastrzębski

Med Sci Tech 2010; 51(3-4): RA203-208

ID: 881425

Available online:

Published: 2011-02-21


Background:    Zamboni et al announced research results showing significant alterations in venous outflow from the brain, chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI), and its possible connections with multiple sclerosis (MS). The findings evoked wide interest all over the world. The scientists found 100% sensitivity and specificity in detection of at least 2 CCSVI parameters in MS-diagnosed patients in contrast to healthy controls and patients with other neurological disorders. Researchers at several centers decided to verify these reports, finding CCSVI incidence in MS patients ranging from 0% to 90%.
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency according to Zamboni’s criteria in patients with MS.
    Material/Methods:    The study group included 34 patients with multiple sclerosis diagnosed according to the revised McDonald criteria. All patients underwent ultrasound evaluation for the presence of 5 CCSVI criteria in accordance with the methodology described by Zamboni et al.
    Results:    In the group of 34 MS patients, 9 (26.5%) were diagnosed with CCSVI (6 of them with RR course, 2 with SP course and 1 with PP course), 23 patients (67.6%) met 1 of the 5 diagnostic criteria, and 2 patients (5.9%) did not meet any criterion.
    Conclusions:    Based on the criteria published by Zamboni et al. in the study group of 34 MS patients, CCSVI was diagnosed in 9, which is 26.5% of the total.
        Lack of standardized methodology of the examination can cause a large divergence of results obtained in various centers.
        The hypothesis that CCSVI is a possible cause of MS is worthy of further studies and should not be rejected without evaluation by properly designed clinical trials.

Keywords: CCSVI, Venous Insufficiency, diagnostic criteria, MS, Multiple Sclerosis
