e-ISSN 2329-0072




The frequency of appearance of the –455G/A fibrinogen genetic polymorphism in patients with previous myocardial infarction

Krzysztof Chiżyński

Med Sci Tech 2006; 47(2): RA109-112

ID: 881496

Available online:

Published: 1999-11-30

Introduction. Several polymorphisms on the fibrinogen gene have been characterised and investigated in relation to plasma fibrinogen level and MI. The most important are the –455G/A polymorphism, from the clinical point of view. In this paper the frequency of appearance of the –455G/A Fg genotype in patients with previous MI has been analysed. Materials and methods. 191 patients with previous MI were enrolled to the study group. The control group numbered 41 patients without CAD (normal coronary arteries in angiography). Genotypes and polymorphism were determined by polymerase chain reaction amplification of genomic DNA using the following allele specific primers; sense: 5’-AGA ATT TGG GAA TGC AAT CTC TGC TAC CT -3’ and antysense: 5’-TCC TCA TTG TCG TTG ACA CCT TGG GAC -3’. After the Hae III enzyme digestion, the following genotypes were detected: G/G: 575 bp, 383 bp, 343 bp, A/A: 958 bp, 343 bp and G/A: 958 bp, 575 bp, 383 bp, 343 bp. PCR products were ran by electrophoresis in a 3% polyakrylamide gel. Results. Analysis was performed after dichotomy dividing genotypes into A+ (A/A and G/A genotypes) and A- (G/G genotypes). The A+ genotype was related to the presence MI (p=0.035). The allele frequencies were G=63.6%, A=36.4% in the study group and G=76.8%, A=23.2% in the control group (p=0.022). Odds ratio for MI in subjects was with A+ genotype was 2.07 (1.05-4.05) (p=0.035) and 1.90 (1.10-3.28) (p=0.022) in subjects with A allele. Conclusions. The –455G/A fibrinogen polymorphism is associated with previous MI. (Clin. Exp. Med. Lett. 2006; 47(2):109-112)

Keywords: MI, Risk Factors, Fibrinogen, Polymorphism, –455G/A genotype
