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Complications after coronarographies and coronaroplasticities

Jacek Mikosiński, Tomasz Lesiak, Marian Brocki, Leszek Markuszewski, Robert Pietruszyński

Med Sci Tech 2007; 48(1): RA37-40

ID: 881539

Introduction: The number of invasive vascular examinations constantly increases. Coronography and coronoplastics are most frequently used procedures. Selidinger's method is used most often. The access through the artery is chosen more rarely. Topical complications are very rare, as the occur in 0% to 8% of cases. In the following article we have analyzed complications requiring surgical intervention which occurred in years 2003 and 2004. Material and Methods: In years 2003-2004 at the Department of Cardiac Surgery in the Medical University in Lodz 760 coronarographies and 377 coronaroplasticies were made. After each intervention pressure was applied for 24 hours and heparintico and Acard were given to patients. Results: The total number of all complications equals 3,4%. The most frequent type of complication was false aneurysms which constituted 1,6% of all surgeries. Groin hematoma requiring at least one surgical consultations constituted 1,3% while retroperitoneal hematoma requiring immediate surgical operation – 0,3%; skin necrosis 0,1%; trapping of unexpended stent in the wall of the vessel – 0,1%. We perceive the use of catheters of bigger diameter, the use of three medicaments reducing the blood coagulability and puncture of common femoral artery through inguinal ligament as the reasons for higher number of false aneurysms in our study. Conclusions: The standard procedure in case of big retroperitoneal hematomas with symptoms of bleeding to retroperitoneum, is urgent surgery with evacuation of the hematoma. In case of patients with thick thigh adipose tissue, who might face problems with proper compression after the surgery, it is necessary to introduce surgical intervention earlier if the false hematoma is suspected. The delay of the surgical intervention might result with skin necrosis and long healing time of the place where puncture was applied. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2007; 48(1):37-40)

Keywords: corongraphy, coronoplastics, false hematoma, retroperitoneal hematoma

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