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Age structure change in patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement due to aortic valve stenosis. Ten years experience

Arkadiusz Ammer, Radosław Zwolinski, Karol Bartczak, Ryszard Jaszewski

Med Sci Tech 2012; 53(4): RA171-174

ID: 883653

Background:    In XX century the life expectancy has extended continuously in developed countries and is constantly increasing. Therefore the number of aquired aortic valve abnormalities especially aortic valve stenosis is constantly increasing. Aortic valve stenosis is the most frequent acquired valvular abnormality in Europe. Surgical aortic valve replacement is a treatment of choice in symptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis.
    Material/Methods:    We retrospectively analysed all surgeries that took place between 2002 and 2011 (10 years of surgical activity) to identify the patients that underwent primary, isolated aortic valve replacement due to aortic valve stenosis. We analysed the age change between following years and the age change within the age groups between following years. We analysed the type of used prosthesis and its change between the years, within the whole year and within the age group.
    Results:    The researchers collected all isolated aortic valve surgeries from 2002 to 2011. The total amount of isolated aortic valve replacements is 820. Between 2002 and 2011 the age increased from 61.49±10.86 to 66.55±9.5 (p=0.003). The amount of patients in the age group less than 50 years is constantly decreasing, from 10 patients (16.4% aortic valve replacements in the year) in 2001 to 5 patients in 2011 (4.8% aortic valve replacements in the year) – p=0.02. Statistically significant age acceleration occurred between years 2006 and 2011 (p=0.03). Within the group 70–80 age there is statistically significant difference in age change between all these years in patients between 75–80 years old (p=0.04). While comparing the group over 80 years old in years 2002 and 2010 there is statistically significant age change p=0.04. The amount of implanted bioprosthesis between 2005 and 2011 chanded from 9% to 81.5% (p<0.0001). According to statistical analysis there is strong correlation between age and implantation of biological aortic valve (p<0.0001).
    Conclusions:    According to the research and the discussion we may conclude that the changing profile of the age structure will force the cardiac surgeons to change the attitude to their standard patients, because the standard patient from year to year is becoming older.

Keywords: cardiac surgery, aortic valve replacement, Aortic Valve Stenosis

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