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Twenty-year observation of a patient after aortic and mitral prosthetic valve implantation

Stanisław Ostrowski, Tomasz Skowroński, Anna Marcinkiewicz, Radosław Zwoliński, Anna Adamek-Kośmider, Andrzej Walczak, Sławomir Jander, Mirosław Bitner, Ryszard Jaszewski

Med Sci Tech 2012; 53(4): CR201-204

ID: 883662

Background:    The surgical treatment of heart valve defects continues from almost fifty years. During this time the construction of prostheses and methods of surgical access have developed. Simultaneous implantation of 2 valvular prostheses is relatively rare, mainly due to the increased operative risk and postoperative mortality.
    Case Report:    We report the case of a 74-year-old patient with a good long-term effect of simultaneous implantation of 2 valvular prostheses in the aortic and mitral positions. The echocardiographic documentation of the valvular alterations was shown. In the 20-year follow-up since the cardiac surgery, left ventricle systolic function remains good and the valves’ prostheses are functioning properly. Despite many comorbidities and the use of invasive procedures during the 20 years of postoperative history, no circulatory or thromboembolic complications occurred. Simultaneous replacement of 2 valves is an effective treatment of the rheumatic fever complications.
    Conclusions:    This case proves that good qualification of the patient to the cardiosurgical procedure, even with a greater risk of complications, allows achievement of a good long-term effect and markedly increase of patient’s life quality, provided there is good postoperative compliance and out-patient care.

Keywords: medtronic-hall, Rheumatic Fever, aortic valve replacement, mitral valve replacement, double valve repalcement, long-term survival

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