e-ISSN 2329-0072




Influence Of Selected Risk Factors Of Ischemic Heart Disease On Long-Term Results Of Surgical Myocardial Revascularization In Women Operated At The Age Below 45 Years

Radosław Zwoliński, Andrzej Walczak, Janusz Zasłonka, Sławomir Jander

Med Sci Tech 2006; 47(1): RA57-59

ID: 881493

Available online:

Published: 1999-11-30

Background: Morbidity and mortality due to ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is a great problem in whole population including young persons. This problem concerns young women relatively rarely, however,often dramatic course of the disease and uncertain prognosis after surgical treatment in this subset, make it necessary to carefully assess this unique group of patients. The aim of the study was to assess influence of selected risk factors of IHD on long-term effects of coronary artery by-pass grafting(CABG)in women who underwent the operation at the age below 45 years.Materials and Results: 53 women who underwent CABG procedure between 1990 and 2000 - mean follow-up period 8,3 ±3,1 years. The clinical state of patients was analysed on a base of CCS and NYHA classifications, exercisetolerance(Mets), comfortofliving and angina recurrence rate. The data were then pooled with risk factors of IHD after CABG: smoking, cholesterol level >200 mg%, triglycerides level >180 mg%, BMI >26, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, family history and oral contraceptives. Conclusions: The major risk factor effecting a progression of at heromatouslesions in patients after CABG is continuation of cigarette smoking. In consequence, the introduction of some anti-nicotine programs in this population is of essential importance in a secondary prevention of IHD. Concerning a great prevalence of smoking habit, such programs should be realize not only by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons but, firstofall, by general practitioners.(Clin. Exp. Med. Lett. 2006; 47(1):57-59)

Keywords: ischemic heart disease, CABG, Risk Factors
