Low potassium plasma levels in patients with acute coronary syndromes treated with primary percutaneous coronary interventions – the in-hospital outcome
Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Marzenna Zielińska, Paweł Ptaszyński
Med Sci Tech 2007; 48(4): RA255-260
ID: 881572
Available online:
Published: 2007-03-20
Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess an influence of low potassium plasma levels in patients with acute coronary yndromes (ACS) on the in-hospital clinical outcome. Material and methods: The patients with ACS qualified to nterventional treatment were enrolled to the study. The population was divided into two groups according to the plasma potassium levels [K]: group A – [K] <4mmol/l and group B – [K] ≥4mmol/l. The estimates of in-hospital clinical outcome, predominately mortality, in each group was the goal of study. Results: The low plasma potassium levels were revealed in ¼ of enrolled patients (249 out of 994). Higher incidence of cardiogenic shock (11,6% vs 7,0%; p<0,05; OR=1,75 [1,08-2,84]; p<0,05) and mortality (9,6% vs. 5,0%; p<0,001; OR=2,23 [1,34-3,82], p<0,005) was observed in group A. The prevalence of other complications was similar in both groups. However, in detailed analysis life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias were reported more often in patients with very low potassium plasma concentration – less then 3,5 mmol/l. Conclusions: Considerable portion of patients with acute coronary syndrome present low potassium plasma levels on admission. The low concentration of potassium in blood plasma is a predictor of cardiogenic shock development and higher mortality, despite of interventional treatment applied. The life-threatening arrhythmia may be suspected in patients with very low plasma potassium levels. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2007; 48(4): 255-260)
Keywords: acute coronary syndrome, potassium level, primary percutaneous coronary intervention