e-ISSN 2329-0072




Endocrine tumor of the digestive tract - clinical case study

Krzysztof Szwedziak, Wojciech Olejniczak, Vyacheslav Brichkovskiy, Janusz Strzelczyk

Med Sci Tech 2008; 49(2): CR129-131

ID: 881603

Available online:

Published: 2008-03-21

Introduction: Endocrine tumors of the digestive tract (ETDT) are neoplasms which stem from the APUD (amine precursors uptake and decarboxylation) cells [1]. There are neuroendocrine pancreatic and gastroenteral carcinoid tumors which stand for 2% of digestive tract tumors, 0,5% of all human malignant neoplasms [2]. All of them have secretion granulations in the cytoplasm. That is why a number of immune histochemic techniques is used in search for biogenic amines and hormones such as gastrin, CCK, GIP, VIP, motilin, glucagon, GRP, PP, GHRH and the others. In the majority of cases neuroendocrine tumors of the rectum are described as dysfunctional, which means that specific clinical symptoms are not connected with their hormonal overproduction [3]. Material and methods: We describe a case of fifty seven years old male patient admitted to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of the rectal tumor. Per rectum examination revealed hard tumor. The pathologic examination of the biopsy taken from the lesion and CT scanning confirmed the presence of endocrine tumor of the digestive tract. Results: Anterior resection of the rectum was performed, the postoperative course was uneventful. At present patient is subjected to complementary treatment with the use of somatostatin analogue of the prolonged action [4,5]. Conclusion: The endocrine tumors of the rectum are extremely rare, they occur in this localization in 0,26–0,52 out of 100.000 all rectal tumors [6]. Diagnosis is usually ade upon the microscopic examination an the immune histochemic reactions. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2008; 49(2): 129-131)

Keywords: neuroendocrine tumor, Rectum, APUD
