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Dysthymia as a mask of celiac disease

Maja Tylińska, Marlena Broncel

Med Sci Tech 2010; 51(2): 133-135

ID: 881267

Background:    Celiac disease is a immunologically-based inflammatory enteropathy of the small intestine caused by gluten intolerance. Reduced prevalence of classic form of celiac disease is observed lately, but accompanied by increasing rate or atypical forms, developing in older children and adults.
    Case Report:    The paper presents the case of celiac disease in a 32-year-old male patient, displaying symptoms of digestive system disorders and dysthymia and treated for functional dyspepsy. The diagnostic process was exceptionally long-lasting and arduous for the patient because of persistence of symptoms. An in-depth history, physical examination and laboratory tests made it possible to establish the final diagnosis of celiac disease accompanied by Durhing disease and dysthymic disorder.
    Conclusions:    Published reports indicate that celiac disease is an under-diagnosed condition, and sensitivity of the diagnostic process could be altered if determination of antibodies was introduced to the panel of tests ordered by general practitioners. The role of early introduction of gluten-free diet should be stressed. The diet allows prevention of development of serious complications and improves patients’ quality of life.

Keywords: Celiac, Durhing disease, dysthymia

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