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Epidemiological data and genetic and immunological factors of people insusceptible to HIV infection or characterized by slow progression of AIDS

Andrzej Brodziak

Med Sci Tech 2010; 51(3-4): RP167-174

ID: 881419

This report discusses new data on AIDS morbidity rates, susceptibility to HIV infection and progression of AIDS. The current epidemiological data shows that in Central and Western Europe the epidemic has evolved differently than in other regions of the world, and failed to fulfill the pessimistic predictions about the expected rise of morbidity and mortality. Differences have been detected in the genetic and immunological states of recently discerned groups of patients: those whose symptoms of AIDS did not appear for more than 10 years after infection (LTNP – long-term nonprogressors), patients characterized by rapid disease progression (RP – rapid progressors), and people resistant to infection despite intensive exposure (EU – exposed uninfected).
        I also discuss the first results achieved through new research methods such as testing of all genes (whole genome) of many individuals to detect differences occurring from individual-to-individual (genome-wide association study-GWA) or determination of all the particles RNA profiles of a population of cells (genome – wide transcriptome profiling study), which can be undertaken only by very well-equipped research centers.

Keywords: Human immunity, AIDS, HIV, genetic factors, vaccine

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