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The influence of thyrometabolic state on lipid peroxidation process (I): hyperthyroidism

Joanna Anna Wiktorska, Ewa Sewerynek, Andrzej LewiƄski

Med Sci Tech 2006; 47(1): RP9-15

ID: 881491

Thyrotoxicstate is related to acceleration of basic metabolism, and-particularly-the metabolism of oxygen and, inconsequence, with the generation of free radicals what leads to intensification of oxidativestress.The effectivenes of the antioxidant defence system depends on the thyrometabolic state of the organism. Many authors point to the intensificationof lipid peroxidation in humans in the course of hyperthyroidism. The rear econtradictory data with regard to the enhancement of oxidative stress in experimental thyrotoxicosis in animals. Most of the authors underline the intensification of lipidperoxidation with lowering concentrations of endogenic antioxidants in thyrotoxicosis. However, at the same time, there is also an evidence that thyroid hormones are able to diminish oxidative stress. This divergenceprobably results from various parameters analyzsed in different studies: various cell compartments, particular type of indicator of lipidperoxidationrate, different organs and hormones examined and away of hormone administration, as well as time of duration of experiment. (Clin. Exp. Med. Lett. 2006; 47(1):9-15)

Keywords: Thyroid Hormones, Thyrotoxicosis, Lipid Peroxidation

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