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The impact of laparoscopic techniques on the methods and results of treatment of cholelithiasis. The Ward of General Surgery of The District Hospital in Tomaszów Mazowiecki

Sławomir Glinkowski

Med Sci Tech 2006; 47(3): RA179-182

ID: 881510

Introduction: The aim of this study was to show the changes in the way of treatment of patients with cholelithiasis during 10 years. Material and methods: 206 and 197 patients with cholelithiasis were treated in 1995 and 2005 respectively. Both groups of patients were divided into silent stones patients qualified for elective cholecystectomy and patients with acute calculous cholecystitis treated either conservatively followed by cholecystectomy or subjected to urgent operation. Results: In the group of silient stones operated electively in 1995 - 0% and in the year 2005 54,92 % of cholecystectomies were performed laparoscopically. The mean duration of hospitalization was significantly shorter in the year 2005 in comparision with the year 1995. Conclusions: In 2005 laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in the group of elective patients which was not the case in 1995 in Surgical Ward of Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Shortening of hospitalization of patients with acute calculous cholecystitis treated conservatively and operated on was observed. (Clin. Exp. Med. Lett. 2006; 47(3):179-182)

Keywords: Cholelithiasis, acute calculous cholecystitis, Tomaszów Mazowiecki

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