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Iwona Szadkowska, Jan Henryk Goch, Łukasz Polak, Krzysztof Chiżyński
Med Sci Tech 2007; 48(1): RA65-71
ID: 881542
Introduction: Thelevelsofnatriureticpeptides(BNPandNT-proBNP)changeduringtheperiodafteronsetofmyocardial infarction (MI). Theirconcentrationreflectstheseverityofleftventricular(LV)dysfunctionandis usefulmarker for risk stratificationofmortalityafterMI,butthevaluesofnatriureticpeptideslevelsandtheirchanginginpatients with MI treated with primary angioplasty is still a query. Material and methods: We analysed 111 consecutive patients with acute MI treated with primary angioplasty. NT-proBNP levels were measured on admission and 4-5th day of MI (on discharge). In further analysis the patients with LV systolic dysfunction definedasejectionfraction(EF)<55% were included in study group and the others were the control group. Results: Mean serum NT-proBNP level was significallyhigherinstudygroup(onadmissionandonthe4-5thdayofMI).Multivariateanalysisrevealedthattimefrom the onset of chest pain to angioplasty and EF/WMSI were independently associated with serum NT-proBNP level >105 pg/ml (median) on the firstdayofMI.OnlyEF,WMSIandevolutionofnon-Qmyocardialinfarctioncorrelatedindependently with NT-proBNP >388,5 pg/ml (median) measured on discharge from the hospital. Conclusions: 1. NT-proBNP concentration changes during the period afteronsetofMIandinmajorityofpatientsthepeptide’slevelsriseon 4-5th day in comparison to level on admission. 2. NT-proBNP levels are significallyhigherinpatientswithsystolicLV dysfunction and this correlation is observed on admission and 4-5 day afterMI.3.SerumNT-proBNPconcentration independently correlates with echocardiographic parameters of LV systolic function. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2007; 48(1):65-71)
Keywords: primary angioplasty, NT-proBNP, leftventriculardysfunction