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Prevalence of hepatitis in district of Zgierz in years 2001-2007

Katarzyna Świderek, Dorota Śliwczyńska-Rodziewicz, Marcin Barylski, Jan Kowalski

Med Sci Tech 2008; 49(4): RA235-239

ID: 881628

Introduction: Hepatitis is a contagious disease caused by hepatotropic viruses. The hepatitis prevalence is decreasing mainly because of vaccination programs, prevention of hematogenous infections, prevention of HIV and improvement of social and economic conditions. Cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma are the most dangerous outcomes of nhepatitis B and C. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of hepatitis in district of Zgierz in years 2001-2007. Material and methods: The study comprised 298 people who suffered from hepatitis and were reported to a Regional Disease Control Centre in years 2001-2007 using the special form in accordance with the Contagious Diseases and Infections Act by mail or fax. Results: In 2001 there were 9 people suffering from hepatitis A (incidence factor – 5,64). While in 2002 the incidence factor was 0,63 and in further years there was no new infection reported. The highest hepatitis B incidence factor was 17,46 in 2004 while in 2006 only 12 people suffered from hepatitis B (incidence factor 7,46). In 2001 there were 7 new hepatitis C infections (incidence factor – 4,38). During last 3 years the number of hepatitis C infection is highest among all hepatitis. Conclusions: Low number of hepatitis A is reported, nevertheless amount of children, adolescents and young adults who aren’t immune to HAV is constantly increasing that is why the vaccination against hepatitis A in these risk groups is necessary. The prevalence of hepatitis B is decreasing mostly thanks to the national vaccination programme. Hepatitis C is becoming a major health problem, being on the same level throughout the tested period of time and the main cause of this state is lack of effective vaccine. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2008; 49(4): 235-239)

Keywords: Hepatitis, Epidemiology, Vaccination

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