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Determination of normal values range for lower limbs muscles perfusion indexes at Rest and after exercise in patients after 50 years of age, with the possibility of assessment of age influence on these values in case of their clinical application

Wiesław Tryniszewski, Mariusz Gadzicki, Zbigniew Maziarz

Med Sci Tech 2009; 50(1): RA49-54

ID: 881661

Introduction: Nuclear Medicine allows for defining slight changes in muscle perfusion at rest and after exercise. The assessment of perfusion in elderly patients allows for significant for the age determination of lower limbs muscles perfusion indexes. Aim. The determination of the range of normal values for lower limbs muscle perfusion indexes at rest and after exercise in patient after 50 years of age with the assessment of the age influence on these values. Material: In 24 patients, after the exclusion of circulatory disturbances in lower limbs muscles, Radioisotopic examinations of perfusion were performed. Methods: 1.Examinations: basic, blood tests, USG, vascular examinations; 2. Radioisotopic examinations of lower limbs perfusion with gamma-camera, after the njection of Tc99mMIBI and with the own program ALLP. Results: The results of basic examinations, blood tests, USG and vascular ones without any deviation from norm. Radioisotopic method allowed for determination of normal values for calves and thighs perfusion indexes in patients after 50 years. The comparison between the groups of age 20-45 and after 50 showed a statistically significant difference between them in both upper and lower range. The increase of 9% of the lower and 7% of the upper range of indexes value was observed. In both groups, at rest and after exercise, a similar difference between the indexes of lower and upper range was observed. A similar, positive influence of exercise of perfusion was observed. Conclusions: In patients after 50, a difference between the perfusion indexes is observed, similar to the younger ones. A statistically significant increase of indexes was stated in patients after 50. In both groups, similar, positive influence of exercise on perfusion was observed. The analysis of the results justifies the clinical necessity of determination of lower limbs perfusion indexes in elderly patients. (Clin Exp Med Lett 2009; 50(1)49-54)

Keywords: scintigraphy, Muscle perfusion, Blood flow, normal values, Lower Limbs

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