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Contact lenses practice in Saudi Arabia

Abdullah Z. Alotaibi, Ashwag A. AL-Mosa

Med Sci Tech 2011; 52(3-4): RA125-132

ID: 882243

Background:    Optometry is a health care discipline which has grown significantly in Saudi Arabia. Optometrists are healthcare professionals who provide primary vision care ranging from sight testing and correction to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vision changes.
        The aim of this study is to investigate the state of contact lens knowledge of professionals who work in the field of optometry in private optical centers and shops in the 4 regions of Riyadh. We also sought to determine the need to establish contact lens facilities in Saudi Arabia.
    Material/Method:    In this project there were 80 participants (70 Optometrists and 10 ophthalmic opticians). Each participant was asked to answer a questionnaire.
    Results:    We found that most workers in optical shops are not qualified to help the consumer or the patient. There are no set procedures or policies when the practitioners are going to order contact lenses. The practitioners don’t order the same brand name of the contact lens that is written on the patient’s prescription. There are some simple rules to prescribe certain types of contact lenses; however, these rules are not adhered to by most practitioners in Riyadh.
    Conclusions:    A clear set of criteria must be developed by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS) to improve the quality of work of optometrists to examine patient’s eyes. Also, the patients must be aware of the classifications and standards of the optical shops, as not all the optical shops are qualified and licensed to have a clinic inside to examine eye and do refraction. Through an educational program the consumers and patients will be able to distinguish between optometrists and optician, as well as between good and poor quality optical shops.

Keywords: contact lens, Riyadh, Optical Shops, Optometrists, Optician

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